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Baltimore School of The Bible, Inc. exists for the sole purpose of presenting the Word of God in such a manner that it may be readily understood, and that it will bring the students into a vital and effective relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. The students will then prove to be a channel for the further spreading of the Word and the strengthening of the testimony of Bible-believing churches.

Comprehensive and systematic courses in Bible study are offered. As the Holy Spirit takes the things of Christ and reveals them to us, we can expect rich blessings. In order to achieve the widest possible reach, the classes are open to all, including serious students who wish to complete their courses for credit and auditors who sit in on the lectures. In these days of confusion and uncertainty, the student will find encouragement and comfort in the unchanging and authoritative Word of God.


The faculty consists of consecrated men of God well qualified by preparation and experience for their ministry of training. This teaching staff supplements a progressive administration that is constantly searching out ways to make the educational program and soul winning ministry of the Baltimore School of The Bible more effective.


Baltimore School of The Bible is non-denominational in its scope. Our students come to us from many denominations and independent groups.


Baltimore School of The Bible is accredited by the following organization:

Evangelical Training Association
380 S. Schmale Road, Suite 121
Carol Stream, IL 60188


Baltimore School of The Bible is accredited by the following organization:

Evangelical Training Association
380 S. Schmale Road, Suite 121
Carol Stream, IL 60188

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